Responsible for designing, organizing, modifying, installing, and supporting a company's communications systems. Designs and installs LANs, WANs, Internet and intranet systems, and network segments.
Primary responsibilities
• Oversee the install and support LANs, WANs, network segments, Internet, and intranet systems.
• Manage and maintain network hardware and software.
• Analyze and isolate issues.
• Monitor networks to ensure security and availability to specific users.
• Evaluate and modify system's performance.
• Identify user needs.
• Determine network and system requirements.
• Maintain integrity of the network, server deployment, and security.
• Ensure network connectivity throughout a company's LAN/WAN infrastructure is on par with technical considerations.
• Design and deploy networks.
• Perform network address assignment.
• Assign routing protocols and routing table configuration.
• Assign configuration of authentication and authorization of directory services.
• Maintain network facilities in multiple diverse locations.
• Maintain network servers such as file servers, VPN gateways, intrusion detection systems.
Present: Chairman of the Finger Lakes Television (FLTV) Board of Directors.
Past: BAR, Canandaigua City Board of Assessment and Review
Past: Member of the Rochester Americans Advisory Board & Business Council.
Past: Victor Chamber of Commerce Board Member.