Hi Kathleen,
Thanks for the information below. Do you still happen to have the details on this one?
Currently, we are testing SIP Remote Workers in our 7.1.latest environment, all the latest firmware, etc...
Whats happening is that everything works properly withthe exception of inbound DID calling to our SIP RW Agents. Outbound is good, ext-ext is good.
Before setting up the SIP remote Workers, everything in our environment was 5060, exceot our SIP trunks. This SIP RW setup is only for Remote Workers.
Does this have to do with the conversion of 5060 to 5061 and/or vice/versa?
Jon Mastrobuono
Telecom Analyst
Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan
Charlestown MA
Original Message:
Sent: 07-18-2020 06:14 AM
From: Kathleen DeSantis
Subject: SIP hardphones - bridged appearance error
Hi. We just experienced same on all SIP phones as we upgraded to release 8.1 two weeks ago. I can send you details but avaya said it was due to aar tables and separate trunk groups were set up and programmed onto each sip station. Avaya was creating a knowledge base article on this. I will send you details separately.
Kathleen DeSantis
Telecommunications Manager
Maimonides Medical Center
Brooklyn NY
Original Message:
Sent: 07-17-2020 01:18 PM
From: Brian Byrne
Subject: SIP hardphones - bridged appearance error
I have some Remote workers with physical 9611SIP hardphones ,registered to Session Manger thru an Avaya SBC,that are not able to get incoming calls on bridged appearances. These same users are able to choose those bridged appearances and make outbound calls with no issues. The SM and CM traces both show the same error "400 Bad Request (invalid avaya-cm-line). Other than this issue the phones work fine, they get PPM and calling works as expected. I can't seem to find much on it when searching online so I'm just wondering if anyone has run across this issue before. Thanks.
Brian Byrne
Telecommunications Administrator
Bellevue University