We have been utilizing the Algo 8186, 8188, and now we are testing their new 16 Watt Speaker.
Tim Eddinger
Enterprise Networks Manager
Seneca Foods Corp
Marion NY
Original Message:
Sent: 03-23-2022 12:09 PM
From: Mike Malouf
Subject: External Ringers
Thanks. Did a quick look and will dig deeper into them. If anyone else has any suggestions, would still love to hear them
Mike Malouf
Infrastructure Admin
704 TG
Holloman AFB NM
Original Message:
Sent: 03-23-2022 10:45 AM
From: Shane Coineandubh
Subject: External Ringers
We've used a few devices from Algo for SIP overhead paging applications and have been happy with performance and reliability. The also make external ringers, flashers etc and are worth checking out. https://www.algosolutions.com/solutions/by-application/loud-ringing-visual-alerting/
Shane Coineandubh
UC Engineer
University of Washington
Seattle WA
Original Message:
Sent: 03-23-2022 08:38 AM
From: Mike Malouf
Subject: External Ringers
Have an area that is serviced by network lines only. No copper phone lines at all. We have need of an external ringer that will work with an Avaya VOIP phone in an industrial area. Is there anything available?
Mike Malouf
Infrastructure Admin
704 TG
Holloman AFB NM