Mississippi Chapter Meeting: 5.21.24

When:  May 21, 2024 from 10:30 AM to 02:00 PM (CST)
Associated with  Mississippi

Join us for a fun-filled day with the IAUG Mississippi Chapter on April 16th!


10:30 am: Registration

11:00-11:15 am: Welcome & IAUG Update

11:15 am - 12:15: pm:  Avaya Experience Platform (AXP) with demo

Speaker: Brian E. Baumgart, Distinguished Consulting Engineer, US Channels, Avaya

12:15-12:45 pm: Lunch & Networking

12:45-2:00 pm: Raffles, Giveaways, & Axe Games!

Thank you to our meeting sponsor:


Chunkit Axe Games - Outlets of Mississippi
200 Bass Pro Drive #465
Pearl, MS 39208