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SIP crisis alert to ELIN server

  • 1.  SIP crisis alert to ELIN server

    Posted 01-28-2021 06:41 PM
    We're looking to get our Session Manager servers to send a crisis alert to our home-grown ELIN server.   There is reference to the ELIN server needing to indicate support for crisis alert via a specially crafted feature tag in the Contact header within the 200 OK responses to OPTIONS messages from SM.

    See this article:

    Unfortunately this article is vague about the format of that feature tag.  In theory it should be documented somewhere on the DevConnect site but I have not been able to find it.   Here's my ask:  If you have an odd-the-shelf ELMS, can you DM me and/or just tell me what the tag format is?


    Sam Osheroff
    UC Engineer
    University of Washington
    Seattle WA