The way I see the problem is this:
- Internal station number is presented to the VDN rather than the callers public number because the call is an internal call
- VDN identity is routing the call. If it has a public number, it should be sent on the outbound call.
- Working as designed, or as Avaya used to call it back in the day "it's a WAD"
If there is no security reason why the VDN should not also be a DID number, you could have your users instead:
- call the DID number of the VDN.
- Call traverses your outbound trunks, so CM assigns the caller's DID number.
- Call comes back in on DID trunks.
- CM sees the callers DID number as the inbound ANI
- VDN/ Vector routes call outbound (trunk to trunk transfer required)
At this point, if your route-to number with coverage step is set properly, CM may send the callers ANI with the call. I can't remember if it's Y/N but if it doesn't work, change it to the opposite value and retest. I'm assuming you have SIP trunks and by setting the cov y/n value properly CM will be adding a diversion header to the SIP INVITE. There may be other administration you need to perform in order for CM to add the diversion header, too.
My two Cents, hope it helps.
Tom Lynn
Forum Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 01-11-2023 07:02 AM
From: Alan Williford
Subject: Vector Dialing - Caller ID
Do multiple people use the same VDN? If so, I cannot see how to send the station DID.
If only one station calls this VDN, I think the public numbering table, would work. You can associate an extension to a DID.
Alan W. Williford
Liberty Mutual
Original Message:
Sent: 1/10/2023 9:54:00 PM
From: Ted Hargiss
Subject: RE: Vector Dialing - Caller ID
Exactly. It currently shows the VDN number.
Ted Hargiss
Original Message:
Sent: 01-10-2023 04:54 PM
From: Tom Lynn
Subject: Vector Dialing - Caller ID
HI Ted,
Are you saying you have internal extensions calling an internal VDN and want the vector routed call to show the public number associated with the calling extension?
Tom Lynn
Forum Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 01-10-2023 03:28 PM
From: Ted Hargiss
Subject: Vector Dialing - Caller ID
Thank you Rachel.
We have both private and public numbering in place. But the VDN extension overrides them for some reason. I am trying to figure out how to send out the user's DID/extension instead of the VDN.
Ted Hargiss
Original Message:
Sent: 01-10-2023 10:51 AM
From: Rachel Norton
Subject: Vector Dialing - Caller ID
I haven't tried this with VDNs but it works with regular extensions.
The command is change private-numbering 4
I usually do 2 records one for outside our organization and one for internal callers. We use this to mask caller ID. It might work for your needs.
Rachel Norton
Comp System Engineer
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley CA
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2023 03:55 PM
From: Ted Hargiss
Subject: Vector Dialing - Caller ID
Avaya Aura CM/ASM 8.1.3
We have a vector placing an outbound call (route-to number command) over a SIP trunk. The outpulsed digits are that of the VDN extension. I want them to be the DID of the extension dialing the VDN, not the VDN extension. How can I accomplish that?
Ted Hargiss