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  • 1.  One-X Attendant Replacement

    Posted 11-29-2023 09:00 PM

    We have client that is currently on Aura 7 with One-X Attendant.
    They might be upgrading to Aura 10 soon however we think the Workplace Attendant replacement would be an overkill (because of the VMware resources, and requirement to changing all their handsets to SIP or using an AES).

    Does anyone have any ideas for a simple 3rd party replacement for One-X Attendant that will work with Aura?

    Let me know please.

    Best Regards,

    Samy Nashaat  |  Lead Convergence Engineer

     Inline image

    M: +61455991951 | E: samy.nashaat@ccna.com.au | www.ccna.com.au 
    CCNA on LinkedIn

    "It's not a sprint, it's a marathon."

  • 2.  RE: One-X Attendant Replacement

    Posted 11-30-2023 07:31 AM

    What features are you using with 1XAttendant?  If it's just answering and transferring calls to other extensions, Avaya Workplace should be able to fit that use case well.

    The biggest difference will be how you can see if people are online/busy/etc.  1XAtt used busy-lamp fields to determine of somebody was on the phone.  Workplace uses the concept of "Presence" that is controlled by the user directly.  Your administrator would need to setup all the folks that you would transfer calls to as "contacts" on your account and you would then see their presence.  The nice thing with that mode is that as people walk away from their PC, if they are on the phone or they manually set themselves as "unavailable" you will see that in realtime.  Generally you can either scroll through the list of people OR you can search by their name (no more looking at the BLF screen of a ton of green or red lights).

    Where things get very different would be the IM/chatting capability.  Most people don't use it, so that's not a huge impact for most folks.  Other things like camp-on calling or barging in aren't available, but again, that's not too common these days.

    Nick Kwiatkowski
    Director of Design and Engineering
    Michigan State University
    East Lansing MI

  • 3.  RE: One-X Attendant Replacement

    Posted 12-01-2023 12:38 AM

    Hi @Nick Kwiatkowski,

    Thanks for your message on this Thread.  Have a look at the attached picture and I'll point out a few features we get with the current One-X Attendant...

    Top Left - the normal 'Keyboard controlled' Answer, transfer and completed - ie when a call drops in, the operator hits enter on their keyboard, talks over  their headset, types the Extn number to transfer to, hits enter to compelte.  Next call drops in.   This is very very efficient and it works really well.
    Top right - we have login, logout, AUX, Auto-in etc buttons.  all the Agent functionality an ACD Agent gets.  this allows us to use complex vectoring and also queiing to skills and all the visibility through CMS that gives
    Middle - PHone books.  we use a Master Directory 'offline' Database for non-AD purposes. then we have AD integrated phonebooks.
    Bottom - Queue status (This is the status of the ACD Queue)
    All the other normal stuff (busy display (thousands of numbers)), keyblock, etc.
    The One-X attendant 4 is just a great product.  We installed Equinox Attendant, and you cannot login to a Queue, so we could not move forward with that product and have since not done anything, but I realise One-X attendant 4.x is out of support and it is getting very very old.  I doubt it will work with Windows 11?? but I just don't have any other alternative that will meet all the above requirements that i'm aware of!

    Michael Mason
    Network Engineer - Voice
    Sonic Healthcare Limited
    Macquarie Park

  • 4.  RE: One-X Attendant Replacement

    Posted 12-01-2023 09:36 AM

    Avaya Workplace will allow you to login to a skill with an Agent ID (with a license).  You will get the ability to go available/unavailable/busy/logout right from the client.  You will also be able to watch ACD queue stats, as well from the client.  All the major functions can be keyboard bound -- just like 1X Attendant.

    The phonebook/busy display is different in the SIP world.  Your users will need to get used to the difference, but it works and works well.  

    Being in SIP also gives you some additional advantages, including easier WFH capabilities, newer, supported clients and easier installs for users as well.  It is worth taking a look at if you get a chance.  

    Nick Kwiatkowski
    Director of Design and Engineering
    Michigan State University
    East Lansing MI

  • 5.  RE: One-X Attendant Replacement

    Posted 11-30-2023 09:39 AM

    Look at Komutel. They have both a client-side application and a Web UI for the end users. 

    We went through the same scenario and didn't want to deploy Workplace Attnd. 

    Ted Hargiss

  • 6.  RE: One-X Attendant Replacement

    Posted 05-29-2024 12:07 PM

    Apologies for necromancing an old post but would you be able to summarize your experience with Komutel? We're also trying to replace One-X Attendant and their call center software looks like it would do what we need. They also have a call recording solution, which looks nice and is also something we need to replace. I've never heard of Komutel though and was curious what a current customer thought.

    Justin Barnes
    Telecom Engineer
    Memorial Health System
    Marietta OH

  • 7.  RE: One-X Attendant Replacement

    Posted 11-30-2023 01:22 PM
    And additionally to Sammy's requirement does anyone know of a One-X Attendant replacement that also allows the user to log into an acd queue with the app.  Because using one-x attendant to log into a queue gives the best of both worlds... quick management of calls via the app with keyboard strokes only to answer, transfer and hang up the call while still getting the powerful statistics you get from cms for an agent and acd queue!

    We don't think the workplace attendant app replaces one-x attendant because you can't log into an acd queue and the reporting on workplace attendant is terrible.

    Thanks all

    Mike Mason
    Voice Network Group Manager | Sonic IT

    P +61 2 9855 6290 | M +61 418 233 935 | A 14 Giffnock Avenue Macquarie Park NSW 2113 | AUSTRALIA 



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  • 8.  RE: One-X Attendant Replacement

    Posted 11-30-2023 01:23 PM

    Komutel allows logging into a skill/queue.

    Ted Hargiss