Contact Centers, CRM Customer Engagement

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  • 1.  Block number to a specific agent

    Posted 02-07-2023 08:12 AM
    I have been asked this question by the business;
    Is there a way to block an ANI from going to a specific agent ? 
    I know that I can block it via VRT in the vector but I don't know how to block to a specific agent.
    Is this doable ?

    Sandy Legros
    Sr. Telecom Specialist
    SE Health
    Markham ON

  • 2.  RE: Block number to a specific agent

    Posted 02-07-2023 06:22 PM
    Hi Sandy,
    Does this sounds more like using a VRT to ensure a high touch customer reaches a skill group that doesn't contain a lesser trained agent?

    Tom Lynn
    Forum Moderator

  • 3.  RE: Block number to a specific agent

    Posted 02-08-2023 06:37 AM

    Thanks for confirming Tom.   

    To say it politely, we have a client that is not polite with one particular agent.





    Sandy Legros

    Sr. Telecom Specialist

    SE Health & Elizz

    T: 1.905.968.6464

    M: 1.647.208.1391

    Core Hours: 8am – 4pm EST






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