Avaya Cloud Office Special Interest Group

When:  Jan 30, 2025 from 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM (ET)

This Special Interest Group is a place where ACO customers can ask questions, share helpful tips & tricks, and provide direct feedback to the ACO Product Team. All current and potential ACO Customers are invited to join us for a virtual meeting on Thursday, January 30 at 1:30 PM (EDT) for a Charter Meeting to help chart a course for the future of the group.

Here are some of the topics we plan to cover during the hour-long meeting:

1) Explore Demographic of the group via an interactive Survey

2) Expectations for the Group

3) Current Issues & Concerns

4) Discuss Content Topics for 2025

5) Review Feature Request Tracker

6) Future Meeting Plans

Questions? Please contact Rick Gibbons, rick.gibbons@nelsonmullins.com, or Justin Daly, Justin.Daly@lc.ca.gov.


Online Instructions:
Url: http://innovatisgroup.zoom.us/j/98729538498
Login: Please join using the Zoom link: https://innovatisgroup.zoom.us/j/98729538498 Meeting ID: 987 2953 8498