Join a Council

IAUG Products & Services Councils

Councils offer members an opportunity to connect and identify with peers and experts with shared interests and needs. By providing a direct communication pipeline to Avaya and Avaya partners’ product development and services teams, Councils help ensure the voice of IAUG members is heard.

Council participation is exclusive to IAUG paid members and provides a hands-on opportunity to directly impact your membership experience and that of others within the community. In addition, Council participants contribute to the development of year-round programming for IAUG, including webinars and annual conference.

If you are currently a Council Member, please login and visit your communities to view the private Council pages.

For more information on the IAUG Council program please refer to the IAUG Council Charter and/or contact any of the current council chairs.

Click here for more information or to join a Council!


Customer Experience Council


Collaboration Council

Emerging Technologies Council